Celebrating with Gratitude: Looking back to look forward …

Celebrating with Gratitude: Looking back to look forward …

Today’s a special day — for two reasons. And, both of them are close to my heart.

Looking back …

July 12th would have been my Grandma Ann’s 103 birthday! Born in Czechoslovakia in 1914, her parents shipped Ann and her sister to the United States at the ripe young age of 14. As parents, their hearts were filled with hopes that their children would have the opportunity to live the American dream. Ann’s mother and father stayed behind, planning to join them the following year. They never came.

I can only imagine the challenges she faced. A young woman in a distant land. Miles away from her parents and friends and other loved ones. No cell phones or internet or Skype to stay in touch. The obstacles she overcame, the courage she had no choice but to embrace, the grace and love she gave to everyone she touched — these will always be imprinted on my heart and soul.

From my Grandma, I pull much inner strength that inspires me as a mother of three beautiful children, a wife of a thoughtful and generous husband, and as an entrepreneur who loves serving others.

I’m truly blessed to have such a powerful example of a woman in my life — a woman of determination, grace and a strong work ethic. For that, my dear Grandma, I thank you. Happy Birthday! Today, she would be proud. Today, she is PROUD.

Looking forward …

While I look back and reflect upon my heritage, I also look forward with a heart bubbling with gratitude, excitement, and possibility!

As I remember and draw upon the strength of my Grandma, I look forward, today, to re-launching my company — Smart to Finish™ — with a brand new website!

Founded in 2004, Smart to Finish™ is an Infusionsoft and online marketing agency. My team members — also know as the Delegation Divas — include top notch implementers with years of experience creating business solutions for clients around the world.

Loyal, hard-working, and talented, the Smart to Finish™ Delegation Divas support our clients with high-touch, focused, and attentive customer care — from start to finish!

Our goal is for each and every client to be our most important client. We are all about you and your business! Our number one goal is to provide quality online marketing solutions that will help you live your dream — whatever that may be.

For our current clients, we thank each and every one of you for your years of support. We wouldn’t be where we are without you to serve.

Pursuing your dream …

For those of you who are new to our site, take a look around and feel free to connect with us on social media. And, if you’re looking to take the next step with your business, feel free to schedule a chat with me. I’d love to hear more about you and your dream and show you how we can help! To connect, schedule your appointment here.

With gratitude,

CEO and Founder
Smart to Finish™

Amp up Your Infusionsoft App

After using Infusionsoft for awhile, you’ll soon learn that to make the most out of the application you’ll need some additional tools. Below are just a few of the add-ons that the Smart to Finish Team recommend and can set-up for you too!


If you need better reporting and quality business metrics, this app is for you. By adding Graphly to Infusionsoft you’ll be able to make better decisions for your business. Here are just some of the reports available:

  • Value reports: You can determine how much your new buyers spend and how much you spent to acquire them. You can use this data to ensure you’re getting the right new customers, the right way.
  • Lead source: You can see which lead sources generated sales of a particular product and/or view the net income of each lead source. This will help you determine where to spend your time (and money!) marketing.
  • Campaign email stats: Easily see the opens, clicks and conversions for every email in a campaign. How nice would it be to see at-a-glance what emails are really driving your conversions?

Imagine having your Infusionsoft dashboard look like this:



10 Things You May Not Know About…. Laura, Technical Specialist for Smart To Finish!

(Q) Where was your favorite vacation?
Jamaica! My husband and I got married in Jamaica, and it was SO beautiful. We are hoping to go back for an upcoming anniversary.

(Q) Do you have pets?
Sure do! I have a dog, 2 cats, and 4 chickens. That’s it, for now….although, a friend currently has 2 kids (aka baby goats) that need a home…

(Q) You love people who…?
Aren’t afraid to be who they truly are or say what they really think.


Slow summer? Tune Up Your Infusionsoft

It’s that time again – the Summer slow down. Many entrepreneurs experience a business slump as their communities take time to relax and vacation with families. It’s tempting to join the lazy days of Summer but now is the perfect time to get your business ready for the busy season right around the corner. Use this time to plan your future launches, tighten your business processes and cleanup your systems. If you’re an Infusionsoft user, it’s the perfect time to tune-up your application so it’s running smoothly and working hard for you so you don’t have to! Take time to perform these 5 tasks so you’ll finish the year strong:

1. Organize Tags

The beauty of Infusionsoft is that it allows you to create as many tags as you want so that you can properly segment your list. The bad thing is that you have most likely created a TON of tags and some you may not even remember why you created them at all! Take time to run a report of all your tags and their categories. Go through the list and delete what you aren’t using. CAUTION: tags can control automation in your application; so don’t delete a tag unless you’re sure it’s not being used to trigger something. The Smart to Finish Team can review and clean-up your tags, perform this task regularly so it’s not a big job and better yet, set-up a tagging structure so your tags are always organized!

2. Update Legacy Items

If you have old follow-up sequences, web forms, and/or campaigns, take time to put those into the new campaign builder. That way your emails will be mobile-ready and you can use new features to further automate your systems. If you want to enjoy your Summer, the Smart to Finish Team can create these updated campaigns for you while you lounge by the pool!

5 Reasons Why Infusionsoft is Good for Your Business

Infusionsoft is a leading CRM and email marketing software for small business. It is one of the most popular applications on the market and more and more small business owners are using it to improve their marketing every day. Why is it so popular? Here are 5 reasons why Infusionsoft is good for your business:

1. Email Marketing that Works

Did you know that on average it can take anywhere from 5-12(!) touches from you before a lead turns into a customer? Do you have time to personally email everyone on your list this many times? Of course not! Infusionsoft does this work for you – automatically. Plus, these communications are targeted so your leads and customers are getting the information from you they actually want. This saves you time, helps you build better relationships and prevents the dreaded unsubscribe.

2. Know More About Your Leads

Infusionsoft tracks where your leads are coming from so you can leverage that information. At any time you can run a report to see where your leads originated, how many sales you have from those lead sources and more. For example you may discover the majority of your leads are from Facebook, so you can decide to place more effort on your Facebook marketing and less on a channel that isn’t performing as well. (more…)

3 Benefits of Hiring an Infusionsoft Professional

Infusionsoft is an all-in-one marketing solution. It can handle everything from automating your marketing, to taking payments online, and so much more. If you want a software that will help you capture more leads, increase your conversions and take you less time, Infusionsoft is the solution. However, it is not the easiest software to learn. Hiring an Infusionsoft professional will help you leverage all of its capabilities and bring you these three benefits too:

1. Increase Your Revenue: Infusionsoft isn’t “just” a CRM; it’s a marketing tool for small business. As such, you not only need someone to help set things up for you, but also someone who understands marketing. An Infusionsoft professional takes your marketing vision, provides input and advice and then sets everything up the best way for YOUR business. As professional we know the in’s and out’s of Infusionsoft and how to use it to optimize your marketing funnels and create a full automated marketing system that ultimately brings you more revenue.


Automate Your Business with Infusionsoft

If you’re ready to spend more time in the sun this summer, you can transform your business (and life!) by harnessing the power of Infusionsoft, a marketing automation software. Every day there are a ton of details you must manage in your business and Infusionsoft can automate almost all of them. Here are just a few of the ways you can put your business on autopilot:

1.Turn Visitors into Leads

You can use Infusionsoft’s ready-made lead capture forms to collect data on all of your website visitors. Once they sign-up you can automatically send them a welcome email, include a free download, track when your new lead has downloaded their gift, and even remind them automatically if they forget!

2. Engage Your List

In today’s email heavy world, personalization is key to creating a brand your leads and clients want to engage with. Infusionsoft helps you capture important data and then use it to ensure your contacts receive the information they truly want. You can then use these details to segment your list, trigger emails based on email opens, clicks, or payment history, create and send special targeted promotions and more.


Six Tricks to Being More Productive

Are you still trying to figure out how you can get everything done in just 24 hours a day?

Most days, it probably seems like an impossible task. How can you run a business, spend quality time with family and friends, and still have time to enjoy hobbies and other interests? There’s a lot to do and very little time. Even so, there are fast and easy tips you can implement in your daily routine that will simplify your life, reduce stress, and help you to be more productive. (more…)

Four Ways To Use Webinars To Grow Your Business

These days, companies are finally starting to see the benefits of using webinars to grow their small business. Not only can webinars be used to generate revenue for themselves, but they can also increase awareness, minimize costs, and build trust with their audience. Below we’ve included four simple things you can do to get the most out of your webinars.

1. Build Brand Awareness & Trust

One of the best ways to build trust and show the real value of your company is to use live video in webinars. While content is great, it’s often one-sided. Webinars allow your customers to get engaged in the conversation live – giving them the opportunity to build rapoir and trust with your company.

2. Grow & Clean Your Mailing List

One of the most simple ways to grow your mailing list is to host a webinar. You can create new mailing lists from those who attended your webinars. If they attended a webinar of yours, they are more likely to engage in follow up content you send via email, making these mailing lists more responsive.

3. Increase Conversions On High Ticket Items

Using webinars to sell big ticket items has been proven to be extremely effective. During webinars, customers are given a chance to get to know you and your company. Building this relationship before asking them to spend a lot of money with your company will ultimately give you a better chance of selling them down the road.

4. Co-Host & Interview Authority Experts

A great way to become an expert in your field and draw in potential clients is to co-host and interview other authority experts in your field. You could do this at a sponsored event as noted in our 5 Simple Networking tips for Small Businesses, or turn it into a virtual webinar. You could even stream your live event, so those who are not in your area can join as well.

Need some help running your webinars? We do it all the time for our current customers. Shoot us a note and let us know what your needs are – we would love to help build up your webinar experience!