Have you thought about how a virtual team could help your company navigate the pandemic? Maybe you got caught in the pandemic without the necessary systems and standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place for your business. If so, this article wasn’t written to guilt you for that.

Really, who could’ve guessed all of this would happen. If someone had, they would’ve been ‘laughed off the stage’ a few months back. Well, no one’s laughing now.

Many businesses were unprepared for times like these. There were few warnings, the stock markets were good and everything was pretty much business as usual until it wasn’t. 

What can you do now? First, don’t beat yourself up about what you wish you’d done differently. That’ll just rob you of your peace and health in the present. It’ll also make it harder to come up with creative solutions. 

These events have been a learning experience for every single business. Here are some ways a virtual team or virtual assistant can help you get your business back on track starting today.

On-Demand, Expert Help

Emergencies are no time to train an employee for something that needed to be done yesterday. A good virtual team is already highly skilled and can help you now

They can help your company adjust to the many changes you’re experiencing. That could mean work-from-home strategies for your employees or filling in gaps where you’re lacking to make sure everything gets done.

Just the Right Amount of Help

Maybe with the mass layoffs, you still need to delegate certain tasks, but hiring full-time workers feels intimidating given the unstable economy.

In that case, a virtual team or virtual assistant can provide you with just the right amount of support. That way, you won’t have to worry about onboarding full-time employees (at least for the time being).

Hiring an Online Business Manager to Oversee Your Remote Team

Overseeing a remote team with no warning because of the pandemic has been uniquely challenging for thousands of businesses.

Companies have quickly realized that working together in real-time as opposed to virtually are two very different things. That’s where hiring an online manager can ease your stress levels and those of your employees.

Having an experienced manager online who knows how to bring out the best in your remote team is critical at the moment. In many ways, it can be the glue that holds your company together.

In her “Forbes” article entitled How to Keep Your Company Aligned During the COVID-19 Pandemic While Your Whole Team is Working Remotely, Alisa Cohn shares the following:

“Right now, it’s important for you as a leader to proactively keep everyone connected and on the same page and ensure that the business is moving forward as best it can in this new situation.”

For an increasing number of companies, hiring an on-demand OBM is making the process much easier.

Business Continuity Plan for Pandemic

How do you ensure your business runs as efficiently as possible even in the midst of a global disaster? 

While the answer to that question is complex for any business, for an increasing number of companies, hiring a virtual team, virtual assistant or virtual manager is an important part of that solution.

Relief of Stress and Fatigue Due to Global Challenges

Let’s face it, especially as a business owner or someone overseeing a company, you’re likely dealing with way more stress than normal lately. 

You may find yourself and your employees distracted and inundated by all the changes you’re experiencing. That’s a dangerous recipe for burnout if you’re not careful. 

A high-quality virtual assistant, virtual team or virtual manager can help you guard against such dangers.

Alleviating Illness-Related Worker Shortages

Some businesses have been hit particularly hard by worker shortages because of employee sickness. But that doesn’t stop the need for tasks to get completed. 

Those tasks you can outsource remotely to a VA or VA team can take a huge strain off of your company. 

Could a Virtual Team Help Your Business During the Pandemic?

Do you need some more solid SOPs in place for your company to better cope with the effects of the coronavirus? If so, Smart to Finish can assist you with these changes. We’re here for you during the good times as well as the more challenging ones.

We can help you prepare for any future needs you may anticipate. We’re also here for you when you’re scrambling because of unforeseen obstacles. If ‘pandemic planning for business’ is on your radar, we can help to ease those worries.

Whether you need an online business manager, a virtual assistant or a virtual team, we can provide that when it matters most for your company.

If you’d like to learn more about the services we offer, the best way is to schedule a free 30-minute consultation. We look forward to meeting you!