15 Rules of of Social Media Marketing – Part 1

Remember Cliffs Notes? They’re summaries of longer work, designed to get a student up to speed quickly without having to read the entire book. Sort of a cheat, you might say, but a very effective cheat at that.

There are volumes written about how to succeed dramatically and radically with social media. And then there’s our own version of social media notes, designed to help you become a social media savant in no time.

Ready? Here are the cliff notes presented in a three part series. Below is the first, The 15 Rules of Social Media. The other two will be posted throughout the month of December so make sure to check back for updates!

Remember, these are short but exceedingly powerful. Ignoring any one of them may be perilous to your bottom line.

The 15 Rules of Social Media Marketing:

  1. Help others often, eagerly and without thought of benefit to yourself.
  2. Be patient with others. Remember, you were once new to social media, too.
  3. Share great content.
  4. Forward great content and credit generously.
  5. Thank often and thank liberally.
  6. Be yourself, not a cardboard cutout. Show your personality.
  7. If you don’t have a personality, grow one and then show it.
  8. Blog often and intelligently.
  9. If you don’t know something, say so. Then find out and get back to them.
  10. Don’t just talk – have real conversations. Remember, these are real people, not just avatars and photos.
  11. Find the time for social media. Schedule it in and then just do it.
  12. Use tools to schedule posts and monitor mentions. Social media is one facet of your marketing campaign – it’s not your life.
  13. Don’t automate the whole process. Be there. Reach out and interact. Find the balance between automation and the personal touch.
  14. Laugh at yourself. Tell tales on yourself. Show your human side – people aren’t friends with Superman, they’re friends real people who have real challenges and real faults and can laugh at themselves.
  15. Admit your own mistakes and then move on. The mistakes make you human, but dwelling on them makes you annoying.

Still not sure if what you’re doing is right? Contact us today for a detailed analysis of your social media account and recommendations on how you can get the most out of your social media marketing efforts.

The Three Different Types of YouTube Ads

Now we all know Facebook is a powerhouse when it comes to doing paid marketing, but did you know that YouTube is another amazing option to think about when spreading your message?

Here are a few big options you need to consider to start moving your ad budget to YouTube.

  1. YouTube is huge– “Huge” is probably putting I mildly with more than 1 million unique user visits each month. They have over 6 billion hours of video that are watched each month on YouTube. That comes out to almost an hour for every person on Earth.
  2. YouTube Clicks are Cheap– YouTube is part of the Google AdWords system so you get the ease of the AdWords interface without the expensive clicks.
  3. Video is easier than ever– While videos do require a little bit of work and technical know how there are many tools and resources available to make this part a breeze.

YouTube has a lot of unused ad space available right now. Don’t be afraid to use this powerful ad platform when it comes to getting your message out there.

There are three different ad types when it comes to YouTube ads:

Ad Type 1: In-Stream Ads:

In-Stream ads are designed to capture the attention of your potential prospect in the first five to ten seconds of the ad. After the five second mark viewers have the option to click skip ad and continue to watch the video they were attempting to watch

This type of ad is used to gain visibility and is charged on a Cost-Per-View (CPV) basis. The amount you will pay per view depends heavily on how in depth you want to target your audience. The ad is free until it reaches 30 seconds or is played in full (whichever comes first), after that you will be charged for the view.

Below is an example of an in-stream ad:

instream youtube ad

By using this type of ad they are able to disrupt the viewers attention and force them to focus on the message about their offer. With this type of ad the user is given the choice by YouTube to continue watching the ad or skip it.

If users click on the video image they will be directly taken to the ads landing page or offer.

Ad Type 2: In-Display Ad

In-Display YouTube ads are the ads that appear to the side of content you are watching on YouTube. These are the ads that are shown at the top of “recommended content” and can catch users attention as they are viewing other content.

Below is an example of this type of ad:

in display youtube ad

You should choose In-Design ads if you want to build your YouTube channel subscribers or if you want more views on your YouTube content. These type of ads do not take users to your website like the previous ad type. However, you can build call-to-actions into your ad to direct users to a specific page if you wish.

Ad Type 3: In-Search Ad

YouTube In-Search ads appear in response to a specific search query into the YouTube search box. These type of ads are placed above the organic listings and contain a little yellow ad box next to their thumbnail image.

in search youtube ads

This type of ad is great if you want to get views on your YouTube content but don’t want to be as intrusive with your message like the In-Stream ad.

As you can see, YouTube is a great addition when it comes to paid marketing. When determining what your marketing goals are and how you can get the best ROI on your marketing, this powerhouse should be considered as a great addition to any marketer’s toolkit. Smart to Finish can assist you in determining which type of ad is going to work best for your end goal. We can also assist in the set up and tracking of these types of ads. Contact us today to get started!

Six Steps to Create Your Social Media Game Plan in 2017

Do you have a social media game plan for 2017?

Are you looking to have a competitive edge when it comes to your business? If you don’t have a written social media game plan then it is easy to allow this part of your marketing to fall to the wayside. You need to figure out the right balance of informative, advertising, and conversational posts when it comes to utilizing this power marketing strategy.

Social media should be used to generate leads and drive traffic to your website and/or offers. It is very clear that businesses achieve greater results and satisfaction when they take a more comprehensive approach to social media. Every action you take on social media needs to be a part of a larger social media strategy. That means every update, tweet, reply and comment should be part of an overall strategy that drives towards a pre-determined goal. This can seem a little complicated and daunting but if you take the time to create a written plan the rest of your social media efforts will fall into place.

Here are a few steps that you can take today to create your social media strategy for the coming year:

social media analysisStep 1: Conduct an audit of your current social media strategy

Prior to creating your social marketing game plan you need to do an assessment of what your current social media marketing efforts are and how they are performing for you. Are they creating a larger following? Are they achieving your overall goals for your business? Are they helping to get your message out in a way that is cohesive across all platforms?

optimize social media accountsStep 2: Create or optimize your social media accounts

Once you have done a complete audit of your social media accounts it is time to drill down your online presence. You need to determine which social media platforms best meets your social media goals. If you need to create additional social media profiles on the platforms you are not already on then this is the time to create those profiles. If you do have profiles on your ideal social media platforms then this is the time to optimize your profiles so they best meet your business and audience needs.

social media goalsStep 3: Create your social media goals and objectives

The first step in any plan is to sit down and establish clear, defined goals for your and your business. When you have these goals this will allow you to determine if your actions are moving you towards the end results you are hoping to achieve. If your efforts aren’t accomplishing your goals you can make tweaks along the way until they are.

A simple way to start your plan is to map out three goals your want for your social media efforts. You need to make sure you ask yourself what your goal will look like when completed and you need to determine what you will use to track your progress.

For example:
For Pinterest, we will share photos to communicate our company culture. We do this by posting three photos a week to achieve 30 shares and at least five comments.

social media marketing ideasStep 4: Get some inspiration

This step is designed to give you some inspiration that supports your social media goals. You can turn to industry leaders, your competitors, clients, industry publications and blogs. There is a wealth of knowledge already available to you that you can integrate into your social media marketing plan. This is great when trying to find out what type of content and information to share via all social media platforms. You need to determine how to give that information your voice which allows you to stand out and separate yourself from your competitors.

social media marketing game planStep 5: Create your social media marketing game plan

Your social media marketing game plan is going to be essential to succeeding at social media. Your game plan should consist of strategies for content creation and content curation as well as a calendar for posting.

Your game plan should answer the following questions:

How often will you post your content?
Who will create or source your content?
How will you promote the content?
Who is your intended target audience for each type of content?
What types of content do you intend to post and promote?

Your editorial calendar will list the dates and times you intend to post content to your blogs and social media platforms. Create the calendar and schedule out your content in advance. Planning can be done on a weekly or monthly basis.

social media marketing insightsStep 6: Monitor, test and adjust your social media marketing plan

To determine if your social media efforts are obtaining the goals your have set forth in earlier steps you will need to be constantly monitoring and testing. You will need to build testing capabilities into every action you take on your social media platforms. You can track your links by utilizing url shortener’s and track your page visits by utilizing Google Analytics. Record and analyze your successes and failures and adjust your plan accordingly.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to social media marketing is its’ ever-changing nature. Sooner or later, you may realize newer platforms may better suit your needs than the ones you are currently using. Don’t forget that you can add networks if you think they will perform better and remove networks if they are not performing like you thought they would. As you grow you might need to grow your social media efforts as well. This type of marketing plan is meant to change so be flexible and open to new ideas and trends.

The team at Smart to Finish can help you to determine what your social media game plan should look like. We can help assess where your current strategies are, what needs to be optimized, and whether or not your current plan is obtaining the over goals you have set forth for your business. Contact us today to get started.whats your social media game plan?

Web Design and the Psychology of Color

Have you spent hours working on the perfect website only to find out your conversion rate is kind of lame? You’ve done some A/B testing on layout and content but nothing seems to be working…

Have you tried changing the colors?

Studying and understanding the psychology of color is critical when it comes to maximizing your websites overall design. Getting your color scheme right can help compel customers to take action by grabbing their attention and triggering the right emotions needed complete the sale. But take note… it’s not as simple as changing the color of a button to red or a header to blue. While color can mean something to every person, it’s meaning can vary from person to person depending on their personal preferences and cultural background.

Let’s take a brief look at our STF color chart… it will give you a general understanding of how colors can make us feel:

psychology of color chart

The color of psychology goes beyond changing the colors on your website. You really need to take your whole brand into account. Below we’ve listed a number of companies who have built their entire brands around specific colors.

Orange (companies that want to express a fun, cheerful, and confident culture) – Nickelodeon, Amazon, Fanta, and Shutterfly
Red (companies that want to express a exciting and bold culture) – Coca Cola, Netflix, Target, and Lego
Blue (companies that want to express a more dependable and trustful culture) – Dell, Lowes, AT&T, and Pfizer

Have you thought about how you want your brand to be expressed? Do you consider your company fun and bright like Nickelodeon, or dependable and strong like Lowes? If your company is actually a luxurious purple company, it doesn’t really make sense for your site to be bright red. Start off with some purple accents and backgrounds then work in some blues and greens to help buttons and other calls-to-action stand out. Don’t go overboard on the color options, keep it simple. Stick with 2-5 colors, tops! If you’ve got a whole rainbow on your site, all you’re going to do is confuse people.

In all reality, figure out what your color palette is and what might attract your niche market the most. If you’re having a hard time trying to figure out what your brand personality is and how you should update your site colors, shoot us a note 🙂 We love helping companies show their true colors to the world!

A Company Brand and the Loyalty Factor

What exactly is a brand? It’s a question that has confounded the academics for decades and eluded the most erudite of scholars. So, coming from the trenches of the real world of branding, we’ve defined the term and given it a comprehensive meaning. Something that relates a little more to the real world business owners that we are.

A brand is the greater sum of its parts. It is always more than just the nuts and bolts, the pieces; great brands are always the result of the whole equaling more than the sum of its parts. Basically, a brand consists of eight basic building blocks:

  1. The Company Name
  2. The Logo (brand icon) – Is your logo simple and memorable? Think about logos like Amazon, FedEx, and Coca-Cola; world recognized professional brands that are simple and easy to read.
  3. The Brand’s Colors – The color of psychology is REAL. We will delve more into this during next week’s blog.
  4. The Slogan and Brand Messaging – Are you getting your vision across to your customers?
  5. The Sound of the Brand – Are you resonating with the customers you want to resonate with?
  6. The Overall Look and Feel = The Brand’s Position – How do you compare to your competition?
  7. Packaging the Brand – You know the saying… Don’t judge a book by its’ cover. Well, that’s simply not gunna happen, you’re going to be judged, so make sure your packaging and branding is clear, concise, and professional.
  8. The Brand Experience – Are your customers getting the best experience with your brand?

Branding is about making me, the consumer or buyer, more hip, more in the “know,” more cool than anybody else. We are a generation and a nation wanting to be special. We want to be richer, more beautiful, better dressed and more effortlessly gorgeous than any other generation that we know.

We want everything to mean more. We want everything to have meaning. That’s why we flock to the reality shows. We crave authenticity in this age of fabrication and falsehood. We “just want to be real.”

We want to be able to trust what we buy and whom we buy from. That’s why Coke is still the number one brand in the world. The more we know about a brand, the more we trust it. The more we trust it, the more we buy it and continue to experience it. The more we experience it, the more loyal we become.

Loyalty is the currency that cannot be traded for dollars. What is your brand saying about you? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Gain Traction With Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Word-of-mouth advertising aka referral marketing is one of the best ways to market your services and/or products. Like seriously…. Not only can it give you the highest return on investment (ROI) but it’s easy to get started – and a lot of times CHEAP to get started. Honestly, there’s really no better way to hear about a product than getting an honest opinion from a trusted peer.

We wanted to showcase an article one of our clients published recently about this type of marketing. >> Read here

Kathleen talks a lot about referral marketing and how it can help spread the word about whatever it is you want to share. In addition, she talks a little bit about Thunderclap – a pretty nifty tool to book the selling power of books. Give it a read! Then let us know what you think in the comments – Have you had any success with word-of-mouth advertising? Have you tried some of Kathleen’s tips and tricks?

5 Ways to Get People to Refer-A-Friend

It’s no secret, humans were born to be social creatures. We crave social connection as much as we did thousands of years ago when humans first starting roaming the earth. But… in order to become a part of the group, we need to know what to do in order to be respected by the group. Think about it like this… You feel like you should add an important snippet to a group conversation at work. Either your coworkers will love the idea or they will reject it – therefore embarrassing you in the long run. Is it worth the risk of ridicule to express your thoughts and ideas? Sometimes it is, sometimes… not so much.

This same dynamic rings true in referral marketing. Is it worth it for a customer to refer your company to one of their friends? Below are five ways you can get people to refer your business.

  1. Be Unique & Reliable (even if you can’t be unique)

    Be unique. Do something that set’s you apart from the rest of the players within your industry. Even if you can’t provide a unique product, you can provide a unique customer experience. Set standards and abide by those standards and expectations each and every time you sell a product or talk to a customer. People are going to want to talk about outstanding experiences they have with companies.

  2. Build and keep relationships with industry partners

    If you’re a wedding planner, you’ve probably needed a florist, a DJ, and even a caterer at some point. Build and keep those lasting relationships. These related businesses are in contact with your targeted audience on a daily basis and are a perfect resource for referrals.

  3. Get out there. Get connected and be visible.

    Getting involved in the community is a great way to get referral business. Sponsoring a sports team or an event that helps homeless animals is a great way to get your company name out there and let people know you care about the community you do business in.

  4. Refer to Get Referred

    Going back to #2 and those strong related business relationships. Refer those companies to other people and in return, they will refer business to you. But don’t just refer anyone. Make sure you are only referring other business that you know provide quality and honest work. You don’t want bad referrals to come back to bite you in the butt after all…

  5. Don’t be afraid to ask. (But make sure to give something of value in return)

    A lot of the time, asking for what you want really works. Are you selling some kind of software that helps people to streamline their finances? Do you get a lot of questions about specific cases? Before answering, have your customers post a public review of your business in exchange for a little bit of “free” consulting advice.

There’s a lot more when it comes to getting referrals. We actually recommend reading a great article by Infusionsoft that talks a lot more about referrals and the psychology behind them.

But hey… before we go… Did you know that we offer a referral program here at STF? We offer $50 for every single friend (or foe) that signs up with any of our service programs. (*Also* Offering referral bonuses is just another great way to get people to “refer-a-friend” ;-p)

When Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant?

When Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant?

Do you feel absolutely overwhelmed with your life at the moment? Is that line between your personal life and work starting to become a thing of the past? Buried yourself in an administrative pile so deep, you’re starting to munch on post-it notes for lunch? You’re probably asking yourself, “when should I hire a virtual assistant?”

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there at some point or another. And other than the bitter glue taste, post-it notes taste pretty good.

It might be time for you to hire some help. Yeah yeah, we know it can be expensive and exhausting hiring a full-time, even part-time employee. Luckily for you, that’s never your only option. Maybe it’s actually time for you to think about hiring a virtual assistant…

They’ll always have your back.

No matter what, you should always have someone there to help you in times of need.

A team to collaborate with.

Come on… You can’t tell us you’re a master in everything business. When it comes to manufacturing, finance, marketing, etc – there’s most likely someone else better suited for the job. Stick with what you got into business for in the first place and focus on that. Let other’s do the grunt work for you. In addition, hiring experts in other fields can give you some great perspective on how to improve your current business strategies and policies.

Get back to your life.

Have you been dreaming about taking that Bahamas vacation for about three years now? Well, pack your sandals darlin’, we’re headed to the beach. Virtual assistants can completely take over your business and run it for you – if you so choose. You can always hire solo virtual assistants, but if you can find a team (like us here at STF ;-P), you can literally get back to being you and let the whole virtual assistant team run every aspect of your business.

Speaking about virtual assistant teams…

Dedicated staff is super important when it comes to growing a small business. You need to know you have employees or contractors you can trust to BE THERE WHEN YOU NEED THEM MOST. Virtual assistant teams are always convenient because there’s always going to be someone around who can help you when you’re in need.

But anyways, if this post got you thinking about looking into hiring a VA, shoot us a note to see how we can help you get back to being productive and less stressed.

Simplero vs Infusionsoft – The Major Differences

Hey there fellow entrepreneurs! We recently moved one of our clients from Infusionsoft to Simplero and wanted to give a big shout out to the product. While we still love, Love, LOVE, recommend, and use Infusionsoft…. we have to say we are very impressed with Simplero. The application is built upon the basis of being “simple” compared to a lot of similar products on the market. We’ve found it to be a great solution for those who are not quite ready for all that Infusionsoft has to offer. So let’s jump right into it – here are 10 basic features of Simplero we found to be pretty freakin’ neat.

  1. Each product also has a “freebie” order form. This is great for testing or for giving this as comp to clients without requiring a credit card.
  2. You can add a gift email and message on an order form – and it can be purchased for another person.
  3. You can create an order form that has a donation amount, which means the customer has the ability to add a custom amount to pay. Helpful for fundraising and collecting odd amounts.
  4. The unsubscribe page allows the customer and prospect to see what lists they are on and opt-out of the lists they want while staying on others they are more interested in such as; product updates on something they purchased from you.
  5. Terms and Service on order forms.
  6. Mobile responsive order forms
  7. You can broadcast to customers in their timezone.
  8. Mobile responsive emails
  9. No limit on account users!!
  10. Month to month subscription plans. No lengthy yearly subscriptions!

*Keep in mind. Infusionsoft does offer many of these features as well… but you do have to purchase additional integrations to make them available.

But hey! We can’t give you all of the good without letting you know some of the bad… here are a couple of features that Simplero does NOT have:

  1. No phone support. It’s all ticket based (we’ve had good luck with quick response times though!)
  2. No cart page or view cart page so that customers can add multiple products to their cart /order form.
  3. Does not include the advanced automation tools found in Infusionsoft Campaign Builder.
  4. Not as many integrations and plugins available.
  5. Not a full CRM
  6. Not as many email marketing features

All in all, it’s a pretty sweet product. If you’re interested in learning more about Simplero and how it could help your business, shoot us a note.

5 Sales Promotion Ideas That Small Businesses Can Execute

We were over at Infusionsoft’s blog the other day catching up on all the wonderful things they post over there when we came across this post, 5 Sales Promotion Ideas That Small Businesses Can Execute. They talk a lot about actual promotions you can do, duh, but what we liked most about the post was the information they shared about the details. Yah, you could throw a flash sale or offer a discount, but if you miss out on important details- it could end up killing your business instead of growing it.

The first part of the article talks about the execution. Before you announce any kind of promotion, it’s important to consider the who, what, why, where, when… you get the point. What kind of promotion do you want to offer? What is the goal of the promotion? Why are you offering this promotion? Understanding the reasoning behind the sale/promotion will help you decide what the best course of action your business needs to take to prepare and execute the sale/promotion.

They then go on to list a number of promotion types including flash sales, Buy One Get One Free (BOGO), coupons and/or discounts, tripwires, and recurring sales. Each point provides information on what each type of sale is, what type of customer it could target the most, and even includes several points on how to execute the sale to your own business needs.

All in all, we thought it was a darn good blog article and thought we should share with all our followers. It’s great information, and if you decide to implement some of these ideas to your own business, please let us know how it worked for you in the comments!

Read the full Infusionsoft blog article here.