Have you spent hours working on the perfect website only to find out your conversion rate is kind of lame? You’ve done some A/B testing on layout and content but nothing seems to be working…

Have you tried changing the colors?

Studying and understanding the psychology of color is critical when it comes to maximizing your websites overall design. Getting your color scheme right can help compel customers to take action by grabbing their attention and triggering the right emotions needed complete the sale. But take note… it’s not as simple as changing the color of a button to red or a header to blue. While color can mean something to every person, it’s meaning can vary from person to person depending on their personal preferences and cultural background.

Let’s take a brief look at our STF color chart… it will give you a general understanding of how colors can make us feel:

psychology of color chart

The color of psychology goes beyond changing the colors on your website. You really need to take your whole brand into account. Below we’ve listed a number of companies who have built their entire brands around specific colors.

Orange (companies that want to express a fun, cheerful, and confident culture) – Nickelodeon, Amazon, Fanta, and Shutterfly
Red (companies that want to express a exciting and bold culture) – Coca Cola, Netflix, Target, and Lego
Blue (companies that want to express a more dependable and trustful culture) – Dell, Lowes, AT&T, and Pfizer

Have you thought about how you want your brand to be expressed? Do you consider your company fun and bright like Nickelodeon, or dependable and strong like Lowes? If your company is actually a luxurious purple company, it doesn’t really make sense for your site to be bright red. Start off with some purple accents and backgrounds then work in some blues and greens to help buttons and other calls-to-action stand out. Don’t go overboard on the color options, keep it simple. Stick with 2-5 colors, tops! If you’ve got a whole rainbow on your site, all you’re going to do is confuse people.

In all reality, figure out what your color palette is and what might attract your niche market the most. If you’re having a hard time trying to figure out what your brand personality is and how you should update your site colors, shoot us a note 🙂 We love helping companies show their true colors to the world!