Cliff Notes for Social Media – Part 2

Welcome to part two out of three for our Cliff Notes for Social Media series! Today we are going to discuss the 12 dumbest mistakes you can avoid when using social media for business. Read below and let us know if you’re guilty of doing any of these things. Don’t worry, no judgement here… We’ve all been new to social media before and it took a bit for us to figure it out too.

The 12 Dumbest Mistakes to Avoid In Social Media

  1. Posting long, messy, nasty URLs. Use a URL shortener like
  2. Posting too often. Rein this in by posting only when you actually have something to say.
  3. Not spacing your posts. Sending 20 posts in 10 minutes and then not posting the rest of the day is – well – dumb.
  4. Not making sense. Posting, “ARGGHHH” with no other information just annoys people. Post complete thoughts that actually mean something.
  5. Too much personal stuff. You’re doing social media to promote your business or service, right? Then keep it 90+% business and less than 10% personal.
  6. No picture. Yes, you need a profile picture. And yes, it should be a good one. If need be, pay to get your portrait taken – it’s worth it.
  7. Wrong picture. Your profile picture needs to be of YOU, not a puppy or a cheerleader (unless the puppy or cheerleader is you.)
  8. Not giving credit or attributing the wrong source. Give credit where credit is properly due. Always.
  9. Being wrong. Again, check your facts if you’re unsure.
  10. Being a jerk. No matter how much you disagree, the other person is never an idiot, a moron or a jack*. Remember, once you put it on the net, you can NEVER take it back.
  11. Getting political. You’re entitled to your own politics, but they have no business mixing with your business. Keep them 100% separate at all times.
  12. Ignoring shares and RT’s. Someone retweets or shares something of yours, what do you do? If the answer is nothing, you lose. Instead, THANK them for sharing your content and start a conversation.

Are you simply having a hard time getting a handle of it all? Did you know we provide full service social media management services? Let us handle all the crazy for you. Contact us today to get started.

Part 1

Part 3 (coming soon)