Are you still trying to figure out how you can get everything done in just 24 hours a day?

Most days, it probably seems like an impossible task. How can you run a business, spend quality time with family and friends, and still have time to enjoy hobbies and other interests? There’s a lot to do and very little time. Even so, there are fast and easy tips you can implement in your daily routine that will simplify your life, reduce stress, and help you to be more productive.

Delegate: Don’t Do Everything Yourself

Like most people, you think you have to do everything yourself. That’s simply not true. If you’re trying to juggle customer service, draft broadcast emails for a new marketing campaign, or make posts to social media, you might not be making the best use of your day. Instead, hire a virtual assistant to handle your administrative details. You need to focus on setting the direction of your business, identifying key tasks to be done, and then finding capable others to get them done. Instead, use your time to focus on delivering results to your clients or customers!

Wake Up Early and Stick to a Routine

An early start to the day can help boost productivity if you create a solid routine and stick to it. The trick is leaving nothing to chance. Start by setting three goals for the day. No matter what else you plan to do, accomplish those three goals each and every day. They can be as simple as walking a mile with your dog, reading inspirational material, or engaging in fun and light exercise. The key is to just do it!

Energize through Exercise and Healthy Eating

Daily exercise is an important part of becoming more productive. Adding exercise to your daily routine will boost your energy and help you focus throughout the day. But don’t stop there. You need the right fuel and that means healthy eating. Eating fast food isn’t going to help you stay fit and focused! Identify and eat healthy snacks and meals that provide solid nutrition to keep your mind and body working at their best!

Schedule Everything

Yes, everything — even your personal time and breaks! You can easily calendar your day on your computer or phone. You are the master of your time and you need to protect it at all costs. Carefully evaluate “last minute” requests from others and don’t be afraid to say “no” if they will disrupt what you already planned. Schedule your days, weeks and months into the future. Remember, you can easily move things around to accommodate changing priorities, last minute emergencies and other things. The key is to have everything planned. It frees your mind from having to think about “what’s the next thing I need to accomplish.”

Focus to Be More Productive

Scheduling not only helps you outline the day, week or month ahead, it allows you to focus — at least when it’s used properly. Distraction wastes time and energy. Focus on one thing at a time and complete it. Avoid distractions like surfing the internet, playing on Facebook, or texting on your phone. And whatever you do, don’t multitask. It’s scientifically proven to be unproductive. Multitasking wastes time, decreases the quality of your work and may lead to permanent cognitive damage. It can sometimes take superhuman willpower to avoid all the distractions, however there will be plenty of time for that later — after you complete what you planned to do!

Take a Break

Your brain is not designed to be actively engaged 24/7. After you’ve completed an important task, take a break and do something else. Stretch, take a short walk, refuel with a healthy snack, or hydrate with refreshing water. Then, tackle the next item. Continue with completing tasks and taking short breaks in between. Short breaks will rest your brain and help you maintain high levels of focus and energy. At the end of the day, review your accomplishments, note tasks you still need to complete, and then update your calendar. Finally, review your plans and your three goals you plan to complete tomorrow.

Still struggling — even after you’ve tried all these tips? If so, get in touch with Smart to Finish. Let’s have a chat to discuss how how our team of Infusionsoft and virtual assistant professionals can help with your projects. From email marketing and product launches, to social media and website support, we’re here to help you grow your business!