Trying to decide what you need most in an online business manager? That’s a crucial question to ask when you’re searching for a new business manager. Who you choose to oversee your on-staff or remote team will have a powerful influence either for good or bad.

That’s why it’s important to work towards a description of the type of virtual manager you’re looking for. While the top desired traits of a manager online may vary a bit depending on your company needs, there usually are some reoccurring themes.

In light of that, here are seven essential qualities to look for in a virtual business manager.

Positive Attitude

Hiring a virtual manager who has a positive attitude but an improper skill set could be disastrous. But hiring an online business manager with the proper skillset and a negative attitude could be even worse.

The daily pressures your employees face can feel heavy at times. Leading virtual teams and on-staff employees means being able to give them hope rather than diminishing their hope and motivation. Positivity goes a long way in doing that.

Skilled Delegator

For most, the art of proper delegation takes time to learn. And some never learn this indispensable skill.

No matter how talented and brilliant your online business manager is, that won’t matter much if they don’t know how to multiply their efforts.

A manager skilled in delegation understands how to provide any necessary guidance without micromanaging their employees. The result is a manager who mobilizes an army of workers instead of badly hampering their productivity.

Healthy Work/Life Balance

When you hire a business manager online, you need more than someone who’ll ‘bark orders’ to employees. You need virtual leadership.

Virtual team leadership requires modeling healthy behavior. An important part of this is having a healthy work/life balance. In today’s digital age, many feel the impossible pressure to ‘always be on’. For that reason, proper work/home boundaries are crucial.

This will protect your virtual manager from burnout and show their priorities are properly aligned. And a virtual manager who guards their own work/life balance will guard the same for their staff, protecting your entire team from burnout and incalculably costly turnover.

Although it may initially seem counter-intuitive, remember this: an online business manager who neglects their personal health for the sake of work is not an asset—they’re a liability. It’s an unsustainable way of conducting work long-term.

Stellar Communication Skills

There are many benefits to hiring a virtual manager rather than an on-site manager. But your OBM will only be as good as their communication skills.

In’s article entitled Key Qualities of Top Business Managers, the following is shared about communication:

“It is important to be able to communicate well in both the way you speak verbally and in the way you write. Using body language effectively is an important part of being a good communicator, too, as is listening.”

If you thought stellar communication abilities were essential for an on-site manager, you’ll need to step it up even more to have an effective virtual manager. It takes a unique blend of communication skills to pull a virtual team together and bring out their best work.

Admits Mistakes

Like any employee, your virtual manager will make mistakes from time to time. And, when this happens, you’ll want someone who admits their shortcomings.

Not only will your team respect your online business manager more for doing so, but they’ll be far more willing to admit their own mistakes.

The ability of your team to admit shortcomings helps to build trust. It also paves the way to recognize failures so a better solution can be created. Without doing this, excellence can never be achieved.

Authentic and Kind

Successful virtual teams require an authentic and kind online business manager. Managing virtual teams, first of all, means showing you care about your staff.

If you hire a virtual manager who genuinely cares about your employees, you’ll have few problems with motivation, unity and productivity.

Proven Track Record

Finally, you’ll get the best results from an experienced online business manager. One who well understands the challenges of virtual teams and who can encourage virtual team communication.

Need a High-Quality Online Business Manager?

If you’re looking for a virtual assistant, virtual team or online business manager, Smart to Finish can provide the industry’s leading business builders.

Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to learn more. We offer 30-minute free consultations. We look forward to answering your questions. Whether you’ve been wondering, “What is a virtual team,” are interested in how to manage a virtual team, or are intrigued by the advantages of virtual teams, Smart to Finish is here to answer all your questions.