by Amber Miller | Apr 23, 2009 | Training
As I finishing up my new “Masters” Shopping Cart Training, I am already planning to start a class in May. Many have asked so Sharon and I have agreed to do round 2 for those who didn’t get a chance to sign up for the Fast Track to VA Success, Masters Certification Program!
Check back soon for updated dates and times at
Hope to see you there!
by Amber Miller | Feb 14, 2009 | Blog, Entrepreneur
I don’t normally mix too much of my personal life with my professional life, but I just couldn’t help it today 🙂
My 8 week old son is smiling…and I am home to capture it. Why? Because of my desire and determination four years ago to start my own business.
I became tired of dropping off my kids for others to raise and enjoy. I became frustrated working hard for those who reaped all the benefits and showed little appreciation for my dedication and continual sacrifices.
And now, with my latest addition to my family, I get to support and come along besides some amazing internet entrepreneurs and be able to capture moments like these!
by Amber Miller | Feb 13, 2009 | Marketing
Here are a few simple ideas that are generally missed to help you to generate traffic to your website – enjoy!
Free classifieds
Nowadays, free classified ads have lost their significance. Due to being free, many people opt for this medium for placing ads, which results in ads getting unnoticed. But trying your luck is not a bad idea. Since it’s free, placing a classified ad is good. Who knows, you might get a visitor!
You can place a “Tell-a-friend” script on the website, which would help you get more traffic as visitors might recommend your website to other people.
Paid reviews
There are many freelancers out there, so you can surely pay someone to review your blog. This is a great way of exposure for those who are new to blogging.
Error page
You can design a 404-error page for your site. A link can be placed in that website, which directs the visitor to the main website.
Yahoo! answers
Answer people’s queries on Yahoo! and place a link at the bottom, to your website.
Selling any item as a charity auction on eBay will result in the charities linking back to your eBay auction, and also to the main website.
by Amber Miller | Feb 7, 2009 | Entrepreneur
Are you strategic with your business travel, meals and entertainment? This is one of the most highly audited expenses by IRS.
You’re in good hands with my good friend the Deduction Diva as she guides you through the ins and outs of this rule laden area of business taxation. Here is just some of what you’ll learn:
Business Travel, Meals & Entertainment Defined
Specific Documentation requirements
How to be strategic while remaining legal with your tax deductions
Myths and Rumors about the deductions
What to do if you earn a trip or cruise
Making Family Business Travel deductible
and much more . . .
Date:Â February 12th
Call time:Â 9:30PM Eastern Time / 8:30PM Central Time / 7:30PM Mountain Time / 6:30PM Pacific Time.
Act now – special pricing is available until midnight – February 12th.
Regularly priced at $27.95, you can attend the call live and get the download for only $15.95.
by Amber Miller | Feb 2, 2009 | Blog, Entrepreneur
As an Online Business Manager, I help several clients “manage” and “lead” their team. While I love what I do, leading does have its challenges. Here are a few tips to keep your team happy
Leaders are responsible for making their team feel supported. A leader must engage in five kinds of behavior that have been proven to be effective in the virtual working environment.
1.) Monitors the team’s work effectively and gives feedback and reactions to the problems by understanding the root.
2.) Provides support to a team member’s decision-making and actions
3.) Helps lessen the stressful situations for those working with them and socializes with the team members.
by Amber Miller | Feb 1, 2009 | Blog, Marketing
The Internet is so dynamic that it calls for regular updates to bring the latest information to the net surfers. But that does not necessarily mean that you always have to update your sites, like your web logs manually. It only takes a practical move to keep the ball rolling without doing it yourself: Collecting RSS feeds!
With the emergence of the RSS technology, you can patch up various websites in your blog. And when these sites get updated, it will all be reflected in your blog! A nice and easy way to add fresh information instantly!
How does this technology work? Here are some pieces of information regarding the collection of RSS feeds that are relevant to your web logs.
by Amber Miller | Jan 1, 2009 | Blog, Marketing
You are browsing a blog site one day, and then you saw this orange button that says “RSS”. You then checked a news site, and then saw an orange button that says “XML”. Then you saw some more sites that have RSS links. Now, you wonder, what are these things all about?
These things never had to be a mystery. What follows are basic information regarding RSS, XML and Atom.
What is an XML?
– General Definition
XML stands for Extensive Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used to define various types of data. It is created to enable data sharing among various systems patched by the Internet. The language format is formalized, to allow modification and validation of files regardless of prior knowledge of the document form.
– XML Features
Before the birth of the XML files sharing files among different programs and platforms was difficult because of the use of binary system in encoding.
In an XML file, characters (the fundamental unit) are sequenced in an allowed serial pattern.
Word processors also made XML maintenance and authoring easier, since it will be dealing with characters, not bits.
by Amber Miller | Dec 9, 2008 | Blogging
Blogging has become more than just a fad to angst-laden teens venting out their daily rants to personal sites known as blogs. Now, they have become more than just online diaries. They have been transformed into marketing tools as business blogs. One can even make a career out of maintaining blogs either as a blog administrator or a professional blogger a.k.a. problogger.
Whether one would like to learn how to blog just for the sheer knowledge of it or would like to earn some extra dough from blogging, various resources abound that will surely help you with this endeavor.
Read on to know which resources will suit you best in your goal to understand more about blogging:
by Amber Miller | Nov 2, 2008 | Blogging, Marketing
Blogs have revolutionized the way that people do business. It seems that all the big companies are making use of blogs to promote themselves and market their products. However, corporate blogs aren’t just for big companies. Blogs can also be utilized by small businesses with great effect.
Setting up a small business blog is easy and has many benefits. They are powerful promotional tools and a great way to communicate with clients.
Here are some tips on using a small business blog:
1. Write Naturally and Honestly
Small business blogs can be more personal than large corporate blogs. It’s best to write in way that feels natural to you. Avoid writing needlessly complex posts filled with technical jargon. Doing so will endear customers and promote conversation, which is what a blog is for, after all.
As with any blog, you must always tell the truth. Blogs should address all issues, be it good or bad. This will ultimately beneficial as it helps builds trust the customers.
by Amber Miller | Oct 30, 2008 | 1Shopping Cart, Marketing
An ad tracker is a software program that will allow you to trace and monitor every click that is made by visitors through your url.
With ad trackers, you can monitor the progress of your campaigns, in order to determine how successful they are and if you are investing your time and resources into something that is working. If you have a Virtual Assistant or OBM (online business manager) be sure they are using ad-trackers in all your email marketing campaigns.
Practice Pay Solutions (1ShoppingCart) makes this easy for you with the build in ad-tracker.
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