What’s the best virtual assistant company to help your business grow in 2021? As the new year approaches, you likely find yourself setting business goals to improve your approach. If so, one of the best ways to reach your goals is to delegate tasks through virtual assistant services.

As 2021 draws closer, this year looks to be the best one yet to find support from a remote assistant company. To say the least, 2020 was an unusual year for businesses because of the pandemic. The unexpected events led to a higher demand for VA services and that doesn’t look to change in 2021.

In his “Forbes” article entitled 5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from a Virtual Office, Chris Porteous shares the following:

“Virtual offices have seen a massive rise in popularity. In these tough economic times, businesses have realized they need to reconsider their spending. If a business can eliminate 15% of its expenses, it has more leeway when it comes to turning a profit.”

Why will 2021 be the best year yet for VA services? Here are several reasons.

Hiring a VA Company Will Come More Naturally for Businesses in 2021

Although not true for all businesses, many transitioned to virtual staff arrangements on a large scale. What does that mean going into 2021? Although it was an undeniably ‘bumpy ride’ in the short term, plenty of businesses became more comfortable with the idea of virtual staffing out of necessity.

This coming year will be an easier transition into virtual assistant services. Businesses understand the benefits of virtual employees in a way that is light years ahead of where they were less than a year ago.

So, going into 2021, hiring a virtual assistant, virtual team or online business manager from a VA company will make more sense. Right from the start, you’ll already understand how these services can help your business, have greater experience working with virtual staff and feel a higher comfort level with going this route.

The Pandemic’s End Won’t Stop the Interest in Virtual Work

This year was incredibly stressful for many businesses. Besides the potential for significant loss of revenue, unprecedented disruptions drastically changed how work was done. In many cases, these interruptions were made more challenging as in-person workplaces were abandoned for at-home and virtual ones.

So, the big question is, “How will work be different after the pandemic becomes controlled through a vaccine?” While there are various opinions out there, most agree that the workplace will never be the same.

We quickly realized we neglected to operate at our full technological potential. Because we didn’t gradually make changes over the past decade, immediately doing so during a pandemic emergency was incredibly difficult and, in some cases, impossible.

Businesses fought hard to change to a virtual workplace this year. They won’t want to lose all the ground they gained once 2021 rolls around. For that reason, even after life returns to ‘normal,’ virtual assistant services will remain in high demand. The way we do work has fundamentally changed and there’s no going back.

As more businesses learn how to effectively operate remotely in 2021 and beyond, look for them to use VA services more frequently. The days of viewing delegation to a VA company as ‘futuristic’ or ‘ahead of its time’ are officially over. The dawn of virtual work has arrived en masse, and it’s here to stay for businesses able to pull it off logistically.

Companies Will Want to “Future Proof” their Businesses

“What else could disrupt my company in the future?” Countless businesses are asking this exact question. Although no one knows the answer for sure, plenty of companies want to update their approach before the unforeseen strikes again.

Even after the pandemic concludes (hopefully sometime in 2021), look for businesses and employees to desire and encourage remote work as a form of ‘future-proofing.’ No one in our lifetime will forget what happened in 202o, and no one wants to be caught in a situation where they’re unable to rapidly function remotely.

Having help from a virtual assistant company in 2021 will uniquely position businesses to prepare for any obstacles that come their way in the future. That could include national security threats, natural disasters or another health emergency, for example.

We learned the hard way this year that the time to prepare for the unexpected as a business isn’t once something happens. If there are ways to prepare beforehand, that makes the most sense.

Finding the Best Virtual Assistant Company for Your Business

Would you like to learn more about our VA services? If so, please reach out to us. Smart to Finish has helped many businesses navigate the pandemic more effectively. We also look forward to assisting businesses once COVID is more under control. Whether you need a remote team, online manager or virtual assistant, we can offer the support you need.

Scheduling a free 30-minute consultation with us only takes a moment but could be a significant turning point in your business. We look forward to chatting with you soon!