Once you have a site up and running, your next task is to entice people to sign up for your email list, membership sites, or buy your products/services. There are several ways you can do this and it is a good idea to try each of these methods to maximize your signup rate. Below we’ve included 5 ways you can effectively get people to sign up.
• Sell to your list
If you have a list, hopefully they are already accustomed to buying things from you. Current customers are a very powerful thing when it comes to selling new products or services. They’ve already bought from you before which means they’ve trusted your brand before — who is stopping them from trusting you again?
• Create a list
If you don’t have a list set up – work to create one. Offering free goodies in exchange for emails is a sure fire way to building an email list. Write an ebook about a topic in your niche market – something that will enrich your customers in some way.
• Sales page
You’ll definitely need to create a sales page (also called a landing page) to direct traffic to. If the sales page is highly effective then all you need to do is direct more traffic to the page to get signups. Test test test and review!
• Market the sales page
This may seem obvious but once the sales page is up and running, you’ll want to market it using any means you can think of. You can put a link for it on your blog or website, use social networking, email and content marketing, etc. Basically, employ any means you’d use to market a standard website.
• Start an affiliate program
This one is really fun. Once you get the affiliate program up and running, just start an affiliate program. This means that other people will promote your landing page to their lists and you’ll reach a wider range of people. Granted, it will cut into your profits but this is an easy way to get people coming to your site.
This list of ways to get people to sign up for the site is by no means complete. If you can think of other methods, by all means use them and share them in the comments below! Contact us if you could use a couple other ideas on getting people to sign up for you stuff!
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